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House of Joy at Rep. Theatre of St. Louis, directed by Lavina Jadhwani


Snoops Theatre Reviews


The cast is also strong... There’s strong ensemble chemistry all

around, and the actors manage to hold attention even as the plot

elements get a little confusing at times... There are also memorable

turns from Salem, who exudes stage presence as Salima.


Regional Reviews- St. Louis

As the eunuch, Omar Abbas Salem is subtly lascivious, adding a steady dash of much-needed humor.


Broadway World

The terrific ensemble is driven by a powerful debut performance from Tina Munoz Pandya. Also terrific is Omer Abbas Salem as Salima, a clever eunuch who is acutely aware of everything happening with the walls of the House of Joy.


KDHX- Theater Reviews

The woman-centric plot and storytelling is welcome, particularly with the overlaying action and villainy that make for a captivating tale... Omer Abbas Salem is flawless in every way as the omnipresent soothsayer-like Salima.


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